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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Gestionale


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Problems with Google Suite

Problems reported by students on Google Suite Drive.
Some students report that they have received an email from Google threatening to delete data from Google Drive because the allowable space limit has been exceeded. Interviewed SIAF responds as follows:
“the message you received concerns data in your account that has been migrated to your new account.
The message was sent directly from Google and we could not prevent it from being sent but you can ignore it since the data is safe, on the new account.
We will try to perform the necessary actions so that sendings like this will not happen again but in case it does happen then continue to ignore it.”
So the problem only affects students who were already enrolled two years ago and who were assigned an e-mail account of the domain, and in any case it is not a real problem because it refers to it and not to the currently used one of domain
18 September 2024
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